How can I afford college?

Everything to Gain

UVA Wise is consistently ranked among the top colleges in the nation for graduating students with little to no debt.

College is both possible—and affordable—for you. For any student with demonstrated financial need, UVA Wise offers competitive financial aid, such as scholarships, grants, loans, and employment.

Discover how a degree from UVA Wise is within your reach.

students studying

At a glance

  • 85% of students receive financial assistance

  • 19M total aid awarded (2023-24)

  • $0 tuition for Virginia students whose families make less than $80K

Student Spotlight

Jacob Johnson

Jacob Johnson

History Canton, NC
“A full scholarship for three years also made me take UVA Wise seriously. It may be a small school, but it’s an outstanding one. Best decision I’ve ever made.”

Faculty Spotlight